Book design · Research & copy writing · Graduation work · Art Academy of Latvia · Latvia · 2016
LM&DA is my thesis project at the Art Academy of Latvia. It is a book about the studies and history of the Design department of the university. Apart from designing the book, I reasearched and gathered all of its content and wrote the copy.
The process was full of challenges as this type of book was never put together before. There were a lot of opinions and wishes expressed by many people directly and indirectly involved in the project. At times it wasn’t easy to navigate the maze of information and also make sure to wrap it all up in a beautifully styled design shell. It was a very complex process for me to choose the direction and select content for the project, yet eventually I reached all of my goals.
The book consists of a short historical brief of the Design department and design field in Latvia, description of the nowadays situation, chapters about four design sub-departments and interviews with students and professors. Additionaly to the book a brochure about the Design department and a map of the academy building was made. The brochure contains a short summary about the Design department, based on the content of the book. The map is printed inside the book’s paper cover as well as available in a seperate brochure.
All three items are visually akin between each-other by using contrast and geometrical elements in graphics, as well as only using one colour in combination with black and white per layout.
Thesis supervisor: M. Rozenfelde